Boing! *Eyes Pop*
It's you fantasy date! Only the hottest of the hot for your conjugal visit. Lucky you.
Doomsday has arrived. Jimmyb the CUG offers helpful tips to Canadians that may or may not mitigate the damage inflicted by the impending sky collapse in (Uh) Oh, Canada.
Lucky for us, we have Mr. Right at The Right Place to unveil the sinister cabal. Sunspot Activity Causes Brief Interruption of Karl Rove's "Mind-Ray" - Democrats Claim Rare Moment of Sanity.
Dr. Phat Tony discovers a horrific epidemic and issues his Infectious Disease Alert.
Tommy at Striving For Average presents an intriguing episode of Mythbusters. But the big question is, did they bust or confirm the myth?
Stay fit and healthy until you're dead. a4g at Point Five helps us to meet that goal with al-Qaeda Presents Jihad-ercise with Ayman al-Zawahiri. (Thanks to Dave Barry for the opening line)
Vox Poplar, who BTW, is Right About Everything & Don't You Forget It, showcases a guest blogging gig by the French Prime minister in Les Option Nuclear.
These folks have earned themselves a conjugal visit with the local sweetie they've been crushing on. They may not have plastic surgery enhanced looks, but they more than make up for it with charm.
Bob at either orr presents Conservatives mentally deficient, liberal shrinks' study claims.
Elisson at Blog d'Elisson lampoons a guy that's a little too enthusiastic about his Nice Shoes. Profanity Warning!
AbbaGav at AbbaGav parodies James Frey in A Million Geeky Pieces, a long, but effortlessly enjoyable tell all.
SeanS at Brothers Dim finds an interesting antique and implores us to Look What's on eBay! Ooh! Hand carved.
Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face does some serious research and offers some Little Known Facts About Jack Bauer.
Ahistoricality presents Yes, Spam and Drugs Are the Dark Side. Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.
I Can Live With That
A wise man once said, set the bar low, and you will never be disappointed. No dream dates here, but it's good enough to get the job done.
Chris Carlisle at The Dimmer Switch presents 24 Hours Does One Day Make, Including Commercial Breaks. More interesting than funny, but well worth reading.
Three cheers for the
El Capitan at Baboon Pirates tells a tale of a damaged beer cooler, Well, That'll Wake You Up... Mmm... Beer.
Peter Goodman at Anti-Racist Losers presents Revisions to "Congressional Code of Conduct" Proposed.
Heidi Mapp at Frugal Wisdom from Wenchypoo' explores whether laughter really is the best medicine in The Most Frugal Medicine of All: Your Funny Bone.
Miriam at miriam's ideas offers some mental health advice: Use the power of Positive thinking.
Or rather self-serving. The Carnival of Comedy is about highlighting our own creativity, not someone else's. I could repost Frank J's latest In My World, throw a source link in at the end, and submit it to the carnival. That would be just as inappropriate as what Ironman did.
Ironman at Political Calculations presents Why I Didn't Become an English Major. I suspect it had to do with submitting someone else's work to the Carnival of Comedy.
Be sure to do all you can to support IMAO, and Spacemonkey, without whom, there would be no Carnival of Comedy. Also, check out the semi-annual (or is it quarterly? I keep forgetting) IMAudiO at
The upcoming schedule is as follows:
February 2nd - #40: Taleena at Sun Comprehending Glass
February 9th - #41: OPEN! Some unsuspecting schmuck - It could be you! Email Spacemonkey at flyingspacemonkey AT gmail DOT com to host.
February 16th - #42: Sherlock at Bakerstreet
Come, to think of it. I think there is a grim milestone. I think I am the First!!! person, not directly affiliated with IMAO, to host twice. I may be wrong, but I doubt it because Fitch Is Always Right. (FIAR)
Submit your own entries to the next Carnival here or here.
Are you still here? Run along! It's a conjugal visit, not a marriage.

Comedy, Carnival of Comedy