Friday, January 06, 2006

The Very Latest Breaking News... From Yesterday

The Benedictine Way reports that Radioactive Liberty's latest entry into the Carnival of Comedy #36 is NOT funny. RL garnered a last place slot in the weekly linkfest.

The Comedic Research Association for the Promotion of Politically Inclined Humor (CRAPPI Humor), a non-profit, independent humor advocacy group, has issued a press release indicating that the host of the linkfest merely lacks a sense of humor.

Critics of the non-partisan group have suggested that perhaps the post "Just wasn't funny."

The author of the allegedly unfunny submission could not be reached for comment.

UPDATE: by Isis

I overheard my master muttering the words, "Humorless jerk," and several dozen other words that are not fit for publishing by a nice doggy such as myself.
